Thursday, August 27, 2009


He was just a normal kid,
Except that he was gay.
He liked another boy.
He thought that was okay.
“It isn’t right!”
Is what they said.
His heart was broken,
His heart was dead.
Why couldn’t he love?
Why was it so wrong?
Then the people said,
“Gays don’t belong!”
Didn’t God love everyone?
No mater who they were?
Isn’t true love universal?
Whether it is a him or a her?
He thought everyone was equal,
And everyone had rights
Whether gay or straight
Whether black or white.
Then they used lies and deceit
Twisting all the facts
To get a proposition passed
Which would stop love in its tracks.
So sadly in a Country
Love is no longer free.
People now practice hate.
Equality is not meant to be.
Someday they will learn
That tolerance is the key
And to everyone, even gays
Love is universal and is free!

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