Monday, August 31, 2009

Travel North of Cebu: Feast of St. Rose de lima "HALADAYA FESTIVAL 2009"

Street Dancing

Daan Bantayan Park


St.Rose de Lima Church

Friday, August 28, 2009

Plug for Ako ang Simula

                       PLUG for Voters Congress at ABS-CBN CEBU with Mark, Andrew, ME.

You are powerful. You will make a difference. If we all come together now, we will reach the tipping point when change becomes inevitable and irreversible. These are the ideas behind Boto Mo, I-Patrol Mo: Ako ang Simula, and there is no better time than now.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


He was just a normal kid,
Except that he was gay.
He liked another boy.
He thought that was okay.
“It isn’t right!”
Is what they said.
His heart was broken,
His heart was dead.
Why couldn’t he love?
Why was it so wrong?
Then the people said,
“Gays don’t belong!”
Didn’t God love everyone?
No mater who they were?
Isn’t true love universal?
Whether it is a him or a her?
He thought everyone was equal,
And everyone had rights
Whether gay or straight
Whether black or white.
Then they used lies and deceit
Twisting all the facts
To get a proposition passed
Which would stop love in its tracks.
So sadly in a Country
Love is no longer free.
People now practice hate.
Equality is not meant to be.
Someday they will learn
That tolerance is the key
And to everyone, even gays
Love is universal and is free!

Pushed you away

Remember how it was
I used to make you smile
When we were so in love
But only for a while
Started fighting
Pushed you away.

Time has come
For us to go, our separate ways
God forbid.

Now I must move on
Trying to forget all the memories.

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall

Inside of CKS

Entrance ( Side View)

CKS Hall


The National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is a famous monument erected in memory of Chiang Kai-shek, former President of the Republic of China. It is located in Taipei,Taiwan, ROC.
The monument, surrounded by a park, stands at the east end of the Gate of Great Centrality and Perfect Uprightness. The structure is framed on the north and south by the National Theater and National Concert Hall. The entire plaza is located within sight of the Presidential Office Building.

Kadaugan sa Mactan 2009

This is my first time to take part " Kadaugan sa Mactan" with my colleagues at Days Hotel Mactan Cebu.

Kadaugan sa Mactan is known to be celebrated in Cebu, Philippines in the month of April as the defeat of Magellan by Lapu-Lapu is re-enacted annually at the beach of Barangay Mactan where the event had actually taken place (Mactan Shrine). This is a major attraction for the tourists and the locals in the city and draws a lot of crowd.
The 3 ships of Magellan are represented by the bancas or canoes and they are made to lead a river procession up to the beach. This act is followed by the re-enactment of the planting of the Magellan's Cross leading to the final act of Lapu-Lapu's victory. Kadaugan sa Mactan literally implies about the 'Victory of Mactan'. It was also called Bahugbahug sa Mactan or 'Melee at Mactan when it was initially staged in 1981. The exact time of the commencement of the festival mostly depends on the tidal conditions and otherwise it is known to begin at around 8 in the early morning hours. This festival is mostly celebrated on the 27th of April with much grandeur and pageantry. This festival grants the Cebuano people a good opportunity to re-visit the days of Mactan Battle between Magellan and Lapu-Lapu and also to celebrate their history and events.
Being in Cebu you shouldn't miss out on a visit to this grand celebration in order to get a clear idea about Cebuano history and culture.